Unless otherwise stated, I am the owner and creator of the content on this site. If you are interested in using any of my photographs or other content, please get my permission first by contacting me at:
PR & Affiliations
It shouldn't come as a surprise that I LOVE testing and trying beauty products and discovering new brands. For the most part the products I write about were purchased with my own money, but I do occasionally receive PR samples or products to share with my audience. Any product that was sent to me au gratis will be clearly indicated as such. Typically these posts are not sponsored, which means that I am not getting paid to write a positive review on the product. If I choose to write a review on a product sent to me its because I want you guys to know what I honestly think about it so you can make a better decision about what to add to your stash! If a sponsored post ever appears on my blog or YouTube channel, you can bet I will tell you all right up front.
I also do work with certain brands as an affiliate, which means that I can earn a small commission from purchases made after being referred from my site, or per link click. I'll be sure to let you know when a post contains affiliate links, so you can choose whether or not you would like to use them. I'll also list all of my affiliate partnerships down below for you to reference.
Either way, I only choose to work with brands I know I can get excited about and that I think my audience will love as well. I'll always share my honest opinion on a product, regardless of my relationship with the brand, or whether or not that product was something I purchased or was gifted to me.
Interested in working with Little Blushing Birdie? Have a product you'd like me to try out? I'd love to hear from you! Say hello at: