Sunday, August 16, 2015

Target is My Weakness (A Non-Beauty Haul)

So, I don't know about you guys, but I swear it is impossible to buy just one thing from Target. On Friday I needed to pick up a few groceries, and since I'd been in the house working on blog stuff all day, I felt the need to stretch my legs and wander a bit. Naturally, one of my favorite places in the world to peruse is Target. They seriously don't do a single department poorly, and I can honestly spend hours just browsing from one aisle to the next. Feeling a little spendy (cause it was pay day after all) I picked up a few odds and ends that made me smile. And of course, in the excitement of bringing home some new loot I had to film a little video to share it all with you.

Maybe I'm just a simple person, but little details really do go a long way to improving my mood. It's so easy to fall into a rut, and not every day is going to have those life changing, amazing moments to make memories by. But treating myself to a pretty new pen gives me new inspiration to journal or brainstorm blog ideas, and a tasty granola bar to try makes me excited for snack time to come. It's the small things that often bring me out of a funk, and some days you need that!

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the video. As much as I enjoy writing sometimes its a nice change of pace to sit in front of the camera and chat. Thank you for visiting and hanging out with me, and stay tuned for lots of fun blog posts to come later this week (a flash tattoo inspired mani and a few subscription box reviews are just a few things on the agenda)!

Do you also have a weakness for knick-nacks? What are your favorite things to buy from Target?