Thursday, November 19, 2015

Skincare Week: Tips & Tricks Roundup

As much as I've learned many a thing about skincare from trial and error, I've also got to credit many a blog post I've stumbled across on Pinterest or Bloglovin' to my current repertoire of advice. Since I can only cover so many topics in a week, I thought it would be nice to spread the love and share some great articles I've found to help you up your skincare know-how!

Is your skin oily or combination? Do only people with dry skin also have sensitive skin? My good friend Sammi the Beauty Buff has written this awesome article to help you figure out what skin type you've got going on.

You may have an awesome arsenal of skincare products at your disposal, but to get the most out of them, they need to applied in the right order. Here's some great food-for-thought from Beauty Banter on how to properly layer your skincare regimen.

I always find myself pinning a ton of these Bustle articles. This one shares 8 unexpected reasons why your face could still be breaking out. Spoilers, dirty pillowcases and a dirty phone are definitely two places that I personally realized I was going wrong!

Earlier this week I shared the love for some of my favorite face masks. But another great alternative is to make your own at home! Dear Crissy shares a whole bunch of amazing recipes you can concoct in your own kitchen that will address a whole variety of your skincare concerns.

If you're wearing heavy makeup, a face wash alone might not have enough power to get your skin clean. Casey over at Beauty 101 shares her thoughts on why you're washing your face wrong, and how important it is to make sure ALL of your makeup is removed every night.

While we often throw lip products in with the makeup category rather than the skincare, lips are skin too and deserve some special attention outside of a killer red lipstick. Keep your lips feeling smooth and flake free with this super easy DIY lip scrub recipe from In Honor of Design.

We all know it's super important to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun, however these 5 common mistakes in thinking about sunscreen often lead to people being way less safe than they're expecting.

As much as its fun to talk about things you can put on top of your skin, what you put in your body can also make a huge impact on how it looks and feels. Fitness Magazine shares 10 superfoods that are known to help give your skin a boost.

Have you written an awesome skincare related post on your own blog? Send it to me on Twitter or Instagram so I can check it out! Don't forget to use the hashtag #lbbskincareweek to add it to the feed so everyone else can follow along as well.