Sunday, March 13, 2016

March Unboxing: Birchbox & Wantable Accessories

Happy Sunday, everyone! I'm feeling mighty groggy this morning thanks to the fact that my body and the clock are in disagreement over what time it should be. I know I shouldn't hate on Daylight Savings too much, seeing as that means it'll still be sunny outside well past dinner time. I just don't like the feeling of already being late because an hour of my schedule has just completely evaporated.

So much to do. SO LITTLE TIME.

Anyway, before I get into the hustle and bustle of another weekend day, I've got an unboxing video to share with you all! My Birchbox and my Wantable Accessories Collection both showed up in my mailbox yesterday, which naturally meant I needed to show you guys what was inside. It was a bit of a mixed bag this month, but I'll let yesterday-me do the rest of the explaining.

Unrelated side note, if you're digging my makeup in this video, most of it is new to me! I picked up two sampler sets in the last week (one from Too Faced and one from Tarte) and have been starting to put everything to the test. Full reviews of both sets will be coming later this month, so definitely keep an eye out if that's something you're interested in. Better yet, if you subscribe to my posts by e-mail you'll see them pop up in your inbox when they go live!

Interested in seeing more boxes? Why not take a look at my reviews of my past Birchboxes and Wantable Accessories collections?